Write It Down And Make It Plain. The Importance of Creating A Vision Board

(Image Courtesy of: watercoolerconvos.com)

By: Zach Fulwood

I’m sure you’re familiar with the famous phrase, “If I can see it, then I can do it.” As cliche as it may sound, there’s a lot of truth in this phrase. Obviously there are limitations as well. Just because you can envision yourself being the next Spiderman, doesn’t mean you will be bitten by a spider that doesn’t exist and suddenly be injected with superhuman strength. That said, there is a certain power that exists from being able to lay out your vision for your life and figuring out how you plan on making that vision a reality. A perfect way to do that would be to make a vision board.

To be fair, I was never the biggest fan of creating a vision board. I didn’t see the purpose of writing down things that I wanted to accomplish. Quite frankly, I didn’t feel like my goals were any more or less likely to get accomplished if I wrote them out or if they stayed in my head. So, if you’re apprehensive about the concept of a vision board, I totally get it.

That said, what do you really have to lose? The absolute worse thing that can happen is nothing on your list comes true and you wasted five minutes of your life that you can never get back. You do this everyday when you open up Instagram so, why not take a couple minutes out of your day and plan out your life?

The thing about creating a vision board is that it gives you something to see every single day you wake up. It’s one thing to hold yourself accountable in your mind. It’s a whole other animal when you’re holding yourself accountable with something you wrote yourself. Having a vision board also gives you the opportunity to physically check off the things you were able to accomplish as they happen while also being able to remain focused on the things not yet achieved.

Whether you believe in God or not, I think we can all agree that there is something to be said about the power of positive thinking. While it is true that your thoughts do become things, you do yourself no favors by not transferring those thoughts onto a piece of paper. You lose nothing by creating a vision board and you potentially gain everything by creating one.

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1 reply

  1. Already creating one… Honestly speaking, I think it works ! 🙂


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