Don’t Call Me

By: Zach Fulwood

Talking on the phone sucks. I absolutely hate it. I’ll do it if I have to but, it is definitely one thing that I could live without ever having to do again in my life. Just the thought of having someone interrupt my day by choosing to dial my number and force a conversation with me is infuriating and I don’t understand why people still choose to do it.

You would think that in 2020 we would be done with the concept of having phone calls. With every passing day it seems that some new form of communication is being invented and somehow, people are still holding on to the concept of dialing 10 digits as a means to get in contact with someone. In my opinion, once texting became a thing, phone calls were supposed to no longer be a thing.

Somehow, I get the impression that people don’t really understand how much better and convenient texting is. When someone texts you, you’re not obligated to an immediate response. You can take as long as you like (reasonably speaking) before you reply with an answer. Whereas, 10 seconds of no response in a phone call conversation is perceived as an awkward silence and a lack of paying attention to the conversation.

Maybe it’s just me but, phone calls make me feel handcuffed to a conversation. I can’t multitask the way that I can when I’m in a text conversation. I’m forced to have to engage in this conversation that is rarely ever important just because someone wants to hear the sound of my voice. That’s just selfish.

As a matter of fact, people who prefer phone calls are the most selfish individuals. How full of yourself do you have to be to disrupt someone else’s entire day and make them have to devote a certain amount of time just so they can hear you say words? At least with texting, you’re assuming that you aren’t this persons’ sole priority and allotting them the time and space to continue on with their day while only expecting them to casually check in.

The moral of the story here is, don’t call people. Exercise some selflessness and stick to texting.

Categories: Lifestyle

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