Chemistry vs. Compatibility

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By: Zach Fulwood

For one reason or another, people are always looking to find the “one.” It’s the type of search that has been perpetuated over and over again by way of Hollywood movies and love songs. Typically, our image of the “one” is that of some mythical creature that exemplifies everything that we look for in a person. This individual usually displays the type of chemistry and compatibility that makes us fawn over them. Unfortunately, our understanding of the differences between chemistry and compatibility makes that search oh so hard.

Now, I’m not saying that we’re completely clueless when it comes to the meaning of chemistry and compatibility and how they work within a romantic relationship. However, I am saying that we often confuse the two as being one in the same when in all actuality, they are two completely different things. Chemistry is defined as a complex emotion or psychological interaction between two people or simply put, the warm and fuzzy feeling you get when you’re with someone you find attractive. Compatibility is defined as shared values and beliefs as well as an overall comfort with one another.

The confusion surrounding chemistry and compatibility is understandable. When men and women are dating, though their intentions going in may be the same, they’re dating from two totally different perspectives. Because men are typically more visual in nature, they’re dating from the perspective of looking for chemistry. They’ll give a woman a chance if they find them physically attractive. With women being more emotional in nature, they’ll usually date from the perspective of looking for compatibility. If a woman finds you intellectually stimulating, you have a chance.

The confusion followed by the ultimate demise of the relationship usually stems from the fact that both individuals aren’t aware of the perspectives each person is coming into the relationship with. This is a forgivable faux pas because, after all, we are all wired differently.

Like with anything in life, the key to success here is balance. More likely than not, you will need both chemistry and compatibility in order to have a successful relationship. It’s just important to remember that in order to achieve the type of balance necessary to have a fruitful relationship, you must first be able to define and identify the differences between chemistry and compatibility.

Categories: Relationships

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1 reply

  1. Good stuff bro!


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