Microwave Relationship. The Dating Ultimatum

By: Zach Fulwood

It seems like nowadays no one can figure out how to date. Everyone who isn’t already married proclaims that dating is so hard and that people don’t know how to be people anymore. If you went strictly off of what was said on Twitter, you would believe that men aren’t sh*t and women don’t know what they want. Well, maybe women actually don’t know what they want but, I digress. The point is, no one knows how to date anymore because no one really wants to date anymore.

People want relationships but, they don’t want to put the time in to actually cultivate a relationship. They essentially want a ready made relationship that they can enjoy and show off to their social media followers without ever having to work to prepare it.

In a lot of ways, this is a reflection on our society today and how we consume information. When it comes to relationships, we’re constantly seeking out those who seem to “have it together” in an effort to emulate what we see. Obviously, this makes sense because no one would actively seek out trash relationships for a base on how they’d want their relationships to be. That said, we’re doing ourselves a disservice by doing this because no ones relationship will always “have it together.”

It’s easy to hear somebody say, “no relationship is perfect” and brush it off as a captain obvious moment because we know it’s true and we here it so often. I don’t think anybody is actually trying to get into a perfect relationship so much as they’re trying to get into a relationship with the least amount of confrontation. No harm no foul here but, in order to get into a relationship like this, you actually have to do the work.

Society and social media has made doing the work almost nonexistent. Dating profiles and social media timelines have made falling in love with the idea of a person much more common while simultaneously acting as a filtering system to weed out potential interests without ever having to have a conversation with them. While helpful on the surface, it leads people into situations where they don’t feel the need to go through the steps of getting to know people because they’ve been tricked into believing they know enough off of a bio and some filtered pictures from a family vacation.

Dating may or may not be hard. My personal experience would suggest that it’s not so much hard as it is unforgiving. These days, you’re almost given an ultimatum that you didn’t know existed. Either you are exactly what the other person perceived you to be and you’re now in a committed relationship or you aren’t and any and all thoughts of a second date are null and void. Like I said, people want relationships but, not at the price of work.

Categories: Relationships

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